Friday, March 7, 2014

How to make a Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ)

·         Source of potassium
·         Strengthens plant tissues, increases size of fruits
·         Increases crop resistance against diseases and protects it from insects
1.      Mix 1 kg of sweet fruits with 1 kg of molasses. Combination of one or more fruits can be done.
2.      Place in a clean container. Seal with manila paper and allow to ferment for 7 days, protected from direct sunlight.
3.      Strain and transfer to a clean container, ready for use.
Dilute 1:100 to 2:100 with water. Spray as foliar fertilizer or soil treatment.
Citrus juice cannot be used with other plants because of its high acid content. Use citrus juice for citrus crops only, i.e., calamansi juice to a calamansi tree or pomelo juice to a pomelo tree.


Based on our experience it is not difficult to prepare a concoction assigned to us because it is not difficult to gather the needed materials because any kinds of fruit can be used. The fruit that we used is suha or pomelo therefore it can be only used to a pomelo tree.

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