Friday, March 7, 2014

The germination process of the corn seeds

We prepare the needed materials such as 6 polyethylene plastic bags, medium (50% garden soil & 50% compost) and 3 corn seeds for each bag. We have planted the corn seeds about an inch deep and we completely water it for every 2 or 3 days.  After planting the corn seeds and watered it we observed the germination process of the corn.
The corn seeds have germinated in 4 to 6 days. The 6 bags which contain 3 germinated seeds were goes under a treatment of thinning by which in every bags the tallest one will be remain and the rest of the corn will be removed. In every 6 bags that has 1 germinated corn seed the 3 bags have been prepared in a treatment with a presence of a sun light and the other 3 bags prepare without the presence of sun light. The 3 bags were covered by a trash bag and the other 3 bags were uncovered in an open area which is exposed to sun light. After a week of applying the treatments we have measured its height and count the number of its leaves. Then we have continued it up to its 4 weeks. On the last day of our measurement March 28, 2013 we uproot the corn plants and clean them by removing the soil clinging on its roots. We have weighed the 3 corn plants that have a presence of sun light and the corn plant which doesn’t have a presence of sun light by using a flat form balance and record its fresh weight of the whole plants.

We have observed that every week the corn plants that has a presence of sun light increases its height, and its number of leaves much faster  but those corn plants which doesn’t have a presence of sun light grows slower in height and in number of leaves. 

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